At Angel Day Nursery we must be alert to any issues of concern in the child’s life at home or elsewhere and procedures which we implement to safeguard children. We follow the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership (GSCP) guidance and procedures (GSCP) and The Prevent Duty.
All staff at Angel Day Nursery have a responsibility to report safeguarding/child protection concerns and suspicions of abuse. These concerns will be discussed In confidence with the Nursery's Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) as soon as possible and appropriate action taken.
Being a parent isn’t always easy, and at Angel Day Nursery we work closely with our parents to support them on their parenting journey. Early Help is about providing support to potentially vulnerable children, young people and their families as soon as problems begin to emerge, or when there is a strong likelihood that problems will start in the future. Glosfamilies Directory has a wealth of information and can help parents to access support training and information. This is also a good place to seek information and support for children with additional needs.
In consideration of all children attending nursery, it is important that if your child is unwell, they are kept at home until they are well enough to attend. If they are suffering from an infectious disease we would follow the advice of the GP and the Health Protection Agency Guidance on exclusion.
Routine CHildhood immunisation information can be found here, or online here
Children are growing up with technology all around them. It is important to start thinking about online safety early and the NSPCC is a great place to start when you need advice or information on how to do this.
Our Policies and Procedures are reviewed annually and are available onsite for staff and parents to read. Copies are available on request and can be sent via our Famly App or email.
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